JMN Safe Haven Program
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Safe Haven Testimonials
See what God is doing through our Safe Haven Program, so many lives changed!
How We help
Jesus Maak Nxa is working in so many areas for the betterment of the communities they reside in... If you want to help or give or just get in touch... Be sure to reach out. Help us reach people and teach them what God thinks of them!
Safe house 4 ladies
A place where we educate and empower ladies about their worth, values and their true identity in Christ. Through our Setup and Share we had 3 ladies asking for help to be booked into a Rehab. We were not successful and decided to do a trail run. Started operating in Dec 2018 with 5 girls on a 28 day program. We now running a 3 month program and can cater for 10 girls who wants help. Our program consists of Bible Studies, topics such as Understanding the Bible. We have Counselling sessions with them as a group and individually. Prayers such as healing of Memories, Renunciation Prayers, Deliverance, etc...
We Run Computer Classes to give the ladies real world skills
One of the success stories that comes from the Safe haven is when one of the ladies completed her 3 month program and she felt the need of giving back and decided to volunteer to become a House Mother to help others on their journey of being Recovered, Restored. JMN Safe Haven is a non-feesible institution and with this we solely depend on sponsors, donations to run the House. We have the following organizations, companies that has partnered with us:
3 month program
JESUS MAAK NXA NPC activities will begin by providing a suitable property to function as a short term housing facility. And this facility will offer the following:
These facilities will help in the following ways:
Organizations that help
We have the following organization and companies that has partnered with us at the JMN Safe Haven:
If you want to join, partner with us please email us, together we can fight this scourge of addictions.
If you would like donate bedding, cutlery, pots, clothing, groceries, you are more then welcome.
We looking for double beds, so we can have more ladies come into the program.